Pen and Ink portrait of Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway passed away yesterday just a month shy of his 100th birthday. I actually posted a story about my brief association with Charlie and his family several years ago, so I will re-post it here…

Charlie Munger / Captain William H. Ingham by Randy Glass

Berkshire Hathaway has been in the news quite a bit this week, so it seemed like an opportune time to feature this stipple portrait I created recently of its Partner / Vice-Chairman, Charlie Munger. Munger's family commissioned me directly. They had discovered a photograph of a 19th Century relative; Captain William H. Ingham, and I began our project by rendering him in the iconic Wall Street Journal Hedcut style (see inset). We pulled together a photo shoot with Charlie to replicate the pose and lighting, which I then used as my reference for creating his portrait using the same technique. As it happens, I already had experienced drawing Charlie's expressive mug several years ago when I created this hedcut for the Wall Street Journal.

Charlie Munger by Randy Glass


Cover Portraits for Kirkus Reviews


Pen and Ink Stipple Portrait of Michael J. Fox